Erfahrungsbericht eines Famulanten, Medizinstudent aus Riga

Part of the requirements for becoming a Medical Doctor is to be involved and work in different institutions. Since, the field where I am the most interested is Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, I saw this Clinic as a perfect way to continue my education.

After 2 weeks of daily work, I can say that my knowledge, skills, both medical and humane, have greatly improved. I had the pleasure of learning from 2 great Doctors and masterminds of this area.

This clinic is focused into a more conservative treatment approach, which I think that being in the early beginning of my future career, it’s very important to learn the ways of avoiding surgical treatment and looking into different possibilities that will better benefit my patients.

There are a lot of different treatment options available, such as, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Electric shock Stimulation Therapy and Shock Wave Therapy. All of them with the best caring professionals performing it, with the most modern machines and the best quality.

I took part in many consultations, manipulations and even some surgeries. It was very interesting and largely contributed for my development. Now, I think I have a more systematic and concise approach on how to deal with different pathologies, how to diagnose and treat.

The working environment was always very positive, every ZOUS team member was very polite, always wanted to help me and make sure I can make the best out of my time in here. Their attention, smile and good mood made every day better.

I would also like to point out the working conditions. Everything in the clinic is very modern, the spaces are open, the colours of the clinic make it very bright and the decoration with all the sports memorabilia adds an interesting feeling to the rooms.

I have to take this moment to thank both Doctors, Dr. Bornebusch and Dr. Effinger for taking such good care of me, answer all of my questions and spend some of their value time to teach me different manipulations, techniques and approaches towards different pathologies. For sure I hope in the future we can be colleagues in the area and share more moments and knowledge.

To finish, I would like to say that the ZOUS Praxis is the place to go in Müllheim region in case of any problems with your Musculoskeletal system. The best service and attention are guaranteed.

Filipe Martins, 6th year Medicine student, Riga Stradins University, October 2020